Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hilary Clinton makes history as she accepts the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination on Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia to run as a US Presidential candidate. Making history as the first woman to be nominated for Presidency from a major US political party. 
Accepting the nomination, she said:
"I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving and the successful. For those who vote for me and those who don't." 
She said her Republican rival, Donald Trump, was esupremely unqualified for the White House. She added:
"Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis," she said. "A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons," she said.
Clinton took the stage to roaring applause from flag-waving delegates. But her real audience was the millions of voters who may welcome her experience but question her character due to the leaked emails released by WikiLeaks. 
Inregards to that she said:
"I get it that some people just don't know what to make of me."
But her primary focus was persuading anxious Americans to stick with a Democrat for a third term and put aside their frustration with those who have been entrenched in the political system.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Photo: 57-year-old former Somali politician behind Mogadishu UN and Airport suicide attack

Al Shabaab jihadist group confirmed that one of the bombers in the twin explosions yesterday, July 26, near the airport in Mogadishu, was 57-year-old former Somali MP, Salah Badbado. 

Babado was member of the Somali Federal Parliament in the transitional government from 2000 to 2004. He was representing his constituency in Sana region before defecting to the Islamist group in 2010

At least 13 people were killed in the two car bomb attacks near an entrance to the airport in Mogadishu, where there is also a base for African Union (AU) peacekeepers. Five others were injured, most of the dead were UN contractors who operate near the scene of the explosions, Police chief Bishar Gedi told reporters

Local journalists said one of the bombs was detonated by a suicide attacker near a checkpoint. Another blast hit the airport's perimeter wall. Those killed were believed to include security guards at the checkpoint.

Al- Shabaab in a statement said it was a suicide attack by its militants.
 "The two explosions were carried out by two brave Mujahedeen suicide bombers and they have targeted two different locations where the so-called AMISOM peacekeepers are stationed,"  it said, referring to the African Union.
AMISOM troops were deployed to Somalia in 2007 to defend the government against attacks by the Islamist group. The Shabaab were forced out of the capital five years ago but continue to carry out regular attacks on military, government and civilian targets.

In recent months they have claimed attacks on bases of the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM) as well as civilian targets including hotels.

Photo credit: Live From Mogadishu @Daudoo
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Congolese musician Koffi Olomide detained in Prison, reaches out to his fans for support

Congolese musician Koffi Olomide was arrested by Police at his home on Tuesday. He was taken to a court building, subsequently charged by a prosecutor with assault & battery and detained in prison pending the outcome of his case. This is coming after the music star was deported by the Kenyan government last week after a video emerged showing him kicking one of his female dancers at Nairobi Airport. The Music star has now released a statement addressing the detention. It read,
"To all our friend (E) S, koffifiles and koffillettes: due to the injustice that sustains our artist koffi olomide, which has just been transmitted in prison without-conviction-pronounced, nor verdict of judgment and the refusal by the prosecutor to listen to the Dancer supposed to be the victim, we kindly ask you to put this photo of our artist on all your accounts, social networks as a sign of protest and especially of supports for the artist"
Koffi Olomide.
Thank you.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Video: Man arrested for slapping Justin Timberlake at a Golf tournament

A golf spectator got arrested by cops for slapping (more like touching) Justin Timberlake on his neck over the weekend. The Hollywood actor/singer was at the American Century Celebrity Pro-Am in Lake Tahoe and in a video shared by TMZ, the man's hand is seen smacking Justin on the neck as he's walking through the crowd. Turning around in surprise, Justin yelled, "Why would you do that?" but later walked off.
Tournament reps saw it as a minor incident, and Justin who didn't have a mark on him, declined to press charges. However, when cops attempted to escort the man (who appeared intoxicated) off the premises, he refused to leave and claimed he just wanted to touch Justin and got overzealous. He was then arrested him for disorderly conduct.
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Wema Sepetu has reached 2 Millions Followers on Instagram...She becomes the first female Celebrity in East Africa to have It!

After her Ex- Boyfriend to reach 2 Millions followers on his Instagram account and to become the first person to reach these followers in East Africa, Now
Wema Sepetu has Become the first Female Celebrity in Tanzania to Reach 2 Million Followers on Her Instagram Account,
and this is what wema sepetu wrote to thank her Instagram Fan Followers 

wemasepetuWat can I say...!!! Iam Overwhelmed....!!! 2m Followers.... Yall are amaziiiiiiiiinggg.

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Former Kenyan military officer stabs 22-year-old lover to death after she threatened to leave him

22-year-old woman was stabbed to death by her jilted lover inside their rented apartment on Monday, July 25, at Kahawa Wendani Estate in Kiambu County, Kenya.
The victim, Edinas Nyainda, was stabbed several times with a knife by her 30-year-old lover, identified as Maxwell Okoth. According to witnesses, the two had a disagreement after Nyainda, a recent Kenyatta University graduate, threatened to leave him.

Residents told the Nation that the man attempted to kill himself by stabbing himself in the stomach with the same knife he used to stab her.
"I heard a commotion at around 3am and when I went to check, the assailant threatened me with a knife, prompting me to call the police," said Evans Silange, a watchman guarding the premises.
Police used tear gas to access the rented room, located in an apartment near Wendani’s Nakumatt Supermarket, after the killer threatened to pursue anyone attempting to get inside. It took officers three hours to break into his room, where they arrested the man and took him to the Ruiru Police Station.
Ruiru MP Esther Gathogo, (pictured above consoling the victim's sister) who visited the scene, described the killing as shocking and saddening. She urged couples to opt for peaceful ways to resolve differences.
"It is saddening when a young girl’s life is snuffed out by her lover just because they differed. If people cannot live together it is better to part ways,"  she said
The body was taken to the City Mortuary pending investigation.
More photos of the victim below...
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Photos: Koffi Olomide arrested at his Kinshasa home for airport assault in Kenya, he was even handcuffed

Congolese Rumba maestro Koffi Olomide was arrested this morning at his home in Kinshasha, DRC, following a court order. The singer was deported by the Kenyan government last week after a video emerged showing him kicking one of his female dancers at Nairobi Airport.
Footage of the incident caused a social media outcry with thousands taking to Facebook and Twitter to demand that he be thrown out of the country.
Olomide's show at Zambia's Agricultural And Commercial Society, where he was scheduled to perform at this year's 90th Show, was cancelled as a result of the incident. Photos shows the legendary singer being handcuffed and taken to court.
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