Wednesday, July 6, 2016

'I Have Lost Two Flowers That Had Begun To Flourish.' Widowed Mother of Two Sisters Who Died In the Tragic KU Students Accident Blames Herself For The Death Of Her Daughters

On Friday, news broke out that 8 young people had passed away after a ghastly road accident along the Kisii Kilgoris road.

Among them were two sisters Vinnah Morangi and Valeria Wangare who were raised single-handedly by their mum Rachel Muthiga after her husband passed away more than 15 years ago.
Their mum is now blaming herself for this tragic incident as she feels that if she had allowed the girls to attend the funeral of their late cousin then maybe they would have survived.
Vinnah and Valeria
Vinnah’s and Valeria’s cousin Abel Ndirangu passed away recently and Vinnah wrote this message :
Its just sad that my best brother my best friend is no more......i remember our dreams and plans.....when we are old enough and have our families will have ajoint get together.....and make sure each cousin comes.....i rember each december holday in our grandy's place all the fun we always had.....go to new places eat mangoes....i cant imagn you gone forever.......still can't accept it....i miss you Abel Saint will always remain in my heart cuz....Rest in peace.
Fearing that Abel’s burial would be too much emotional turmoil, Mrs Muthinga convince them not to attend the funeral and that is why they later decided to go to Kisii for an all-white party.
Rose Muthiga (Photo: Erick Abuga/Standard)
"I have lost two flowers that had begun to flourish. This is the most painful thing to happen to any parent. I have single-handedly struggled to educate them since their father died in 2001. They have schooled together in primary, secondary and now in university." said Ms Muthinga while speaking to Standard Media
